Market research insights bring focus and confidence in a time of change.

All businesses have faced the challenge of dealing with change in a climate of uncertainty over the past few months. Significant change that impacts all areas of our lives brings changes in consumer thinking, motivations and behaviour, an area that I have been researching over lockdown with very valuable results.

Market Research is now a new service I offer, identifying and understanding customer needs, both functional and emotional, to gain deeper knowledge of a target audience. Recently, I have helped many businesses understand how their audience now thinks and feels on a particular topic and how to use this information in their marketing to build trust, engagement and growth. 

With a social anthropology and background and an empathy-led approach to marketing, gathering research on people is second nature to me and I find it fascinating. From search engine data to social media forums, I use desk-based research methods to gather the views, thoughts and opinions from a target audience on specific key words. This information is collated and then analysed even further, looking for clues and patterns in the language to gain key insights. Then comes a feedback meeting with the client to share the findings with them on how to use this rich information within their marketing to help attract more of their dream clients and customers. 


Struggling with pricing? Know your audience to identify your value to help find a price that’s right for you and your clients.


Why emotional connection in marketing works.